New IRS Rules Governing Appraisers

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Recorded On: 01/22/2025

The IRS has issued new Proposed Regulations, bringing all appraisers under their regulatory jurisdiction. The regulations have a singular purpose: establishing rules (“standards”) for the disqualification of appraisers. This is the first time appraisers have been brought under the umbrella of IRS Circular 230, and the implications are clear: the IRS intends to increase its focus on appraiser professional responsibility.

Howard A. Lewis

BCA, CVA (Emeritus), ABAR (Emeritus), M.A., M.S.


Howard A. Lewis is the former National Program Manager of the Engineering and Valuation Programs at the IRS, where he served for over 32 years. He also served as the Executive Director of the Institute of Business Appraisers and ISBA. He is currently a Director of ISBA and a consultant with alliantgroup, a Houston company specializing in R&D tax credits for federal and state tax purposes.

Howard has eight children and, at the latest count, 14 grandchildren. He and his wife live in Hollywood, Florida, with their dog, Sheela.


Recording: New IRS Rules Governing Appraisers
Open to view video.  |  60 minutes
Open to view video.  |  60 minutes
CE Credits and Certificate: New IRS Rules Governing Appraisers
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1.00 CPE credit  |  Certificate available